Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Air pollution Essay example - 520 Words
Air pollution You can’t escape from it. Everybody has to breath, and when air isn’t clean you health is affected. Air pollution is problem of all of us. You might think that you are healthy because you eat, and do only healthy things, so you cannot be sick, or get cancer, allergies or even die. Everybody is affected by air pollution. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; At the first, what is air pollution? The air pollution is contamination of air by the discharge of harmful substances. We’ve got many pollutants, which cause air pollution. Like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, lead and many more. All of these pollutants can cause lot of illnesses, like cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damage, long-term injury to the†¦show more content†¦Other pollutant from cars was lead; it is highly toxic metal. Lead has been phased out of gasoline, but there, are other sources of it. It includes paints, production of lead batteries, water pipes, and a few heir dye products. Car exhausts can also produce nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds, which are also, product of burning fuels. Factories and power plants produce same pollutants as cars do, but they produce them in bigger mnozstve and the produce some more such as sulfur dioxide, which is made during production of paper, burning coal in power plants, or smelting of metal. Burning other fuels like wood, or natural gas can make all of these pollutants too. The other problem closely related to industrialization is problem of big cities. The problem of air pollution increases in the bigger cities because mnozstvo of cars, buses, and trucks. During the traffic jams all kind of pollutants are released into the air, and then people who live near roads have to breath this â€Å"dirty†air. We use all kinds of chemicals that are damaging our air. Sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons damaging ozone layer in very top part of out atmosphere. Pesticide and other chemicals use for protecting some plant might protect plants, but they are not helping to our air at all. Causes of the air pollution, there are so many causes of air pollution that we couldn’t believe that it can be because ofShow MoreRelatedAir Pollution1499 Words  | 6 PagesAir Pollution emissions have been a leading threat to the world, as the world has become more and more industrialized over the past century. However, many fail to realize the threat that air pollution emissions pose to human health. As humans continue to buy gasoline for the excessive amount of cars that are driven on a daily basis, create waste from factories, using coal and biomass fuels to power their daily lives, they will continue to put their own health at risk. China, a developing countryRead MoreAir Pollution : Clean Air1157 Words  | 5 PagesAir pollution: Clean air is vital to our health. 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