Wednesday, December 25, 2019
About the U.S. House of Representatives
The United States is a large, fractured, diverse and yet still unified nation, and few government bodies reflect the paradox that is this country better than the House of Representatives. Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.The House is currently made up of 435 representativesâ€â€referred to as congressmen or congresswomenâ€â€who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 25 years old.A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials. Metrics of the House The House is the lower of the two legislative bodies in the U.S. government. It has 435 members, with the number of representatives per state dependent upon that states population. House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election. Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees. Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states. The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nations federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800. The Powers of the House While the Senates more exclusive membership may make it seem the more powerful of the two chambers of Congress, the House is charged with a vital task: the power to raise revenue through taxes. The House of Representatives also has the power of impeachment, in which a sitting president, vice president or other civil officials such as judges may be removed for high crimes and misdemeanors, as enumerated in the Constitution. The House is solely responsible for calling for impeachment. Once it decides to do so, the Senate tries that official to determine whether he or she should be convicted, which means automatic removal from office. Leading the House House leadership rests with the speaker of the house, usually a senior member of the majority party. The speaker applies House rules and refers bills to specific House committees for review. The speaker is also third in line to the presidency, after the vice president. Other leadership positions include the majority and minority leaders who monitor legislative activity on the floor, and the majority and minority whips who ensure that House members vote according to their respective parties positions. The House Committee System The House is divided into committees in order to tackle the complex and various matters on which it legislates. House committees study bills and hold public hearings, gathering expert testimony and listening to voters. If a committee approves a bill, it then puts it before the entire House for debate. House committees have changed and evolved over time. Current committees include those on: agriculture;appropriations;armed services;the budget, education, and labor;energy and commerce;financial services;foreign affairs;homeland security;House administration;judiciary;natural resources;oversight and government reform;rules;science and technology;small business;standards of official conduct;transportation and infrastructure;veterans affairs; andways and means. In addition, House members may serve on joint committees with Senate members. The Raucous Chamber Given the shorter terms of House members, their relative proximity to their constituents and their larger numbers, the House is generally the more fractious and partisan of the two chambers. Its proceedings and deliberations, like those of the Senate, are recorded in the Congressional Record, ensuring transparency in the legislative process. Phaedra Trethan is a freelance writer who also works as a copy editor for the Camden Courier-Post. She formerly worked for the Philadelphia Inquirer, where she wrote about books, religion, sports, music, films, and restaurants. Updated by Robert Longley
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Air pollution Essay example - 520 Words
Air pollution You can’t escape from it. Everybody has to breath, and when air isn’t clean you health is affected. Air pollution is problem of all of us. You might think that you are healthy because you eat, and do only healthy things, so you cannot be sick, or get cancer, allergies or even die. Everybody is affected by air pollution. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; At the first, what is air pollution? The air pollution is contamination of air by the discharge of harmful substances. We’ve got many pollutants, which cause air pollution. Like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, lead and many more. All of these pollutants can cause lot of illnesses, like cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damage, long-term injury to the†¦show more content†¦Other pollutant from cars was lead; it is highly toxic metal. Lead has been phased out of gasoline, but there, are other sources of it. It includes paints, production of lead batteries, water pipes, and a few heir dye products. Car exhausts can also produce nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds, which are also, product of burning fuels. Factories and power plants produce same pollutants as cars do, but they produce them in bigger mnozstve and the produce some more such as sulfur dioxide, which is made during production of paper, burning coal in power plants, or smelting of metal. Burning other fuels like wood, or natural gas can make all of these pollutants too. The other problem closely related to industrialization is problem of big cities. The problem of air pollution increases in the bigger cities because mnozstvo of cars, buses, and trucks. During the traffic jams all kind of pollutants are released into the air, and then people who live near roads have to breath this â€Å"dirty†air. We use all kinds of chemicals that are damaging our air. Sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons damaging ozone layer in very top part of out atmosphere. Pesticide and other chemicals use for protecting some plant might protect plants, but they are not helping to our air at all. Causes of the air pollution, there are so many causes of air pollution that we couldn’t believe that it can be because ofShow MoreRelatedAir Pollution1499 Words  | 6 PagesAir Pollution emissions have been a leading threat to the world, as the world has become more and more industrialized over the past century. However, many fail to realize the threat that air pollution emissions pose to human health. As humans continue to buy gasoline for the excessive amount of cars that are driven on a daily basis, create waste from factories, using coal and biomass fuels to power their daily lives, they will continue to put their own health at risk. China, a developing countryRead MoreAir Pollution : Clean Air1157 Words  | 5 PagesAir pollution: Clean air is vital to our health. 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Examples of these pollutants are: ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds andRead MoreThe Pollution Of Air Pollution1199 Words  | 5 Pages Most people never stop to think about the sanitation of the air around them. The only places that people ruminate over air quality are largely populated states and cities. One of these places is California. Ominous clouds of smog and polluted air constantly hover over the citizens. These people d on’t ever look up and worry, because smog is a usual appearance. This issue destroys not only the earth and its atmosphere, but the very center of our lives: our bodies’ health. Particulate pollutants areRead MoreAir Pollution essay910 Words  | 4 PagesAir pollution has become a major problem in the United States. The agricultural industry must help maintain air quality. By doing that the United States has started trying to make machines that will help reduce the pollution in the air which will help the environment. One way the United States has tried stopping air pollution and that is to create a solar powered machine which decreases air pollution. But also there are some ways that the people of the United States can help stop air pollution. Read MoreEssay On Air Pollution1500 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: Pollution is when a harmful or poisonous gas is emitted in the presence of air that can be very harmful to the environment even for humans, especially when we don’t do anything . We might think that pollution is not really a problem in the world but it is one major problem and some countries are suffering from it now. There are many ways that we can stop pollution about but we just don’t really take matter of it, if people will just observe how pollution is affecting the environmentRead MoreThe Problem Of Air Pollution1142 Words  | 5 Pagesbelieved that the problem of air pollution began with the industrial revolution (circa 1750 -1850) which brought with it the increased burning of coal that fueled the engines upon which the wheels of the industrial revolution were being propelled. Air pollution issues have dominated international discourse in the last couple of decades as a result of its adverse effects on the climate system. But most important is the damaging ef fects that some of these pollutants in the ambient air have in the human bodyRead MoreThe Pollution Of The Air Pollution1679 Words  | 7 PagesMost people have felt or took in the air pollutants coming from a car but little did they know what the consequences that smell or the soot may present. The black smoke, and sometimes invisible pollutants, are causing harm all over the earth without people realizing it. Car pollution can cause disruption to human s health, the environment, and the cities in just a matter of time and in many different ways. The air pollution from cars contains various components that all can factor into harmingRead MoreEssay On Air Pollution1677 Words  | 7 Pages Global Article Analysis 3: Air Pollution There are multiple environmental issues that exist and are constantly harming the planet. Many of these issues have effects that are unique to certain countries, or even effects that are similar to other countries. Overall, these issues can be similar or dissimilar in multiple aspects, such as the biological, physical, and cultural perspectives. The causes and effects, problem severity, citizen perceptions, and proposed solutions and efforts to repair theseRead MoreSolution for Air Pollution1088 Words  | 5 Pagesfor Air Pollution Society as a whole faces many environmental problems, and as a result, environmental awareness tends to be a pressing issue. Every day, people recycle cans, glass bottles, and newspapers. Many people buy bottled water, or own filters for their tap water, as a health precaution from the pollutants in normal everyday drinking water. Air pollution is perhaps the biggest environmental issue the Earth is facing. Automobiles are responsible for a notable amount of the air pollution
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing Management and Digital Communications
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Management and Digital Communications. Answer: Introduction: Samsung Electronics is a South Korean company that deals in mobile phones and the general electronics. The company produces most of the world's powerful phones which are used by many people from different parts of the world. The company has recently manufactured Samsung Leader 8 product. This is a Smartphone with dual screen flip and some classic keyboard. The phone has a rear camera of 12MP and a front camera of 5MP. Thus it is robust and fit enough to satisfy the customer's needs of camera needs. Samsung Leader 8 also has programmable hotkeys. Regarding its way of charging, the phone has a new feature of wireless charging unlike most of the phones in the market. Therefore, Samsung Leader 8 seems to be a perfect product to meet most the current market needs of smartphones. Successful marketing of every company's product relies on the effectiveness of the marketing plan. Marketing that has been implemented well must contain information that reveals that current marketing state of the organization and the possible strategies that can effectively reach the market. The plan has the aims and objectives of developing the market brand awareness for Samsung Leader 8 in Australia. This is important for the Samsung because it will help it attain a bigger market ratio in the country (Kaplan Norton, 2008). The plan also establishes the possible market opportunities and the threats for Samsung Leader 8. This has been achieved through the application of SWOT analysis which provides important market information to help the company succeed in the endeavor. The plan has set the marketing and financial objectives for Samsung Leader 8 which is an important aspect in directing and targeting in the course. Further, the plan establishes the various marketing mix strategies that likely improve the sales of Samsung Leader 8 in the market. Thus, the paper is critical to help Samsung attain many sales of Samsung L8 in the Australian market. In analyzing the internal business situation of Samsung, SWOT analysis seems to be a fit tool to unveil the current market opportunities, the threats, opportunities, and strengths. SWOT is powerful in helping the organization's management understand the environment (Lee Law, 2012). Thus, the organization's leaders will be in a good position to make the best decisions for the marketing of the product (Ghazinoory, Abdi and Azadegan-Mehr, 2011). In SWOT analysis, strengths refer to the aspects that lie within the business organization that can be helpful to the company and makes it stay above other market industry players (Kim, Hayes, Avant Reid, 2014). Samsung has many strengths internally that can be helpful to the sale of Samsung Leader 8. Firstly, Samsung is the most successful company in production of the phones and the general electronics in the world. The company has an already established brand name both in Australia and the rest of the world. This is a strength of this organization. Secondly, Samsung an already established market share. The company has a share of more than 21% of the world phone market thus, a strength aspect for the success of the company in marketing the Samsung Leader 8 in Australia. Besides, Samsung has an advantage of its heavy investment in the research and development. This is important and helps the company develop what is fit for the market (Koen, Bertels Elsum, 2011). There are various factors within Samsung environment that present challenges to its operation. Firstly, the Samsung Leader 8 seems weaker and not robust enough in the market compared to smartphones from other industry players. Some of this smartphone makers include Apple, which has stayed ahead of Samsung for quite an extended period. Thus, has never managed to match the bigger market share and robustness of Apple's smartphones. Other companies that compete Samsung include many Chinese companies, such as Huawei which offers smart phone alternatives in Australia. Also, Samsung Leader 8 depends on the Google Android which is an open source operating system for this phone, making it inferior to Apple's IOS Devices. Besides, the marketing strategies employed by Samsung are not as robust as those used by Apple (Yuece, 2012). Samsung Leader 8 has many opportunistic factors that that can be used in improving its sales in Australia. Firstly, high current market demand for the smartphones presents an opportunity to increase the sales of Samsung Leader 8. Smartphones are currently trending in Australia and other parts of the world. Also, there is an increased demand for the general phones and tablets thus an opportunity to sell Samsung Leader 8. It is also evident that there is a big opportunity for the sale of Samsung Leader 8 which comes from the increased online market. Currently, phone and tablet companies enjoy more sales to the market in Australia and other parts of the world through the use of the online store. There is a growing market of customers who will buy the phone online using internet from wherever they will be located (Valax, 2012). Just like other companies, Samsung also faces threats to its business from different aspects. The main threats to Samsung's Leader 8 are the competition from other industry players. Apple Inc. presents a great competition to Samsung because of commonly known robust IOS (Vrontis Pavlou, 2008). Also, the company's Samsung Leader 8 relies on Google's open-source Android operating system. Thus, this presents a threat to the organization (Helms Nixon, 2010). Samsung Leader 8 faces competition from other industry players. The main competitor is the iPhone produced by Apple. The company has an established robust brand name more than Samsung thus giving competition to Leader 8. Also, there are many companies from China such as Huawei who produce smartphones that suit the customers in Australia and then sells them at a lower price. This has brought about competition in the market. A mission is the company's statement which explains its core functions, the market it targets, the reason why it exists and the organization's competitive advantages in the market. The mission statement is important and helps to communicate valuable information to its stakeholders. Samsung has a mission statement embedded in its philosophy which states a devotion of the company's talent and technology to produce products which are superior in the market contributing to a better global society. Thus, this mission communicates useful information to all the stakeholders of this organization (Hollensen, 2010). Marketing and Financial Objectives There are three main marketing objectives that this plan seeks to achieve. Firstly, it aims at creating the brand awareness of Samsung's Leader 8 in Australia and the rest of the world. Secondly, the plan aims to establish the potential market opportunities for Samsung Leader 8 that exist in Australia. The third marketing objective is to analyze the market competition that exists in the Australian Smartphone industry. These objectives are important and will help Samsung get a direction and focus on the aspects that need to be realized in the endeavor. Therefore, these aims and objectives act as a driver in the exercise (Mintz Currim, 2013). The plan also has three financial objectives. The first financial goal is to increase the organization's income within the next six months. It seeks to find the appropriate strategies that Samsung can employ to attain more revenue. The second financial objective is to achieve a wider profit margin on the sales of the Samsung Leader 8 within the next six months. It attempts to establish best strategies to ensure that the organization reaps the most out from the disposal of the phones. The third objective of this plan is to maximize the number of Samsung Leader 8 devices sold in the next six months. Thus, attaining the financial goals is greatly dependant on the degree to which the marketing objectives have been achieved. The price refers to the amount that the customer pays for the product. Price strategy is one of the key aspects that the organization can use to achieve its financial objectives (Fernie and Moore, 2013). The price of Samsung Leader 8 should be set to be fair to the customers and also be what the company can make a profit. There is need to do price skimming for the Samsung Leader 8. At the launch, the price should be set higher and then reduced as time goes by. Product promotion is one of the inevitable aspects of the successful marketing of a given product (Coman and Ronen, 2009). The various promotion mix that will be employed in the sale of the Samsung Leader 8 includes online promotions, whereby the company will reach the online community from different parts of the world. Besides, the company will use word of mouth to reach other people in the country and also through sponsorship programs (Hartmann, Nair Narayanan, 2011). Samsung can use the aspect of the product to win a huge market share in the industry (Henry, 2011). The company should launch the product in different colors to attract people of various color likes. Besides Samsung Leader 8 shall have other accessories like the earphones and headphones to attract many customers. Place defines the point where the transaction takes place. The company should make a distribution strategy of initially making the product available at the active economic zones and then to the lower ones. This strategy will help the company increase the sale of the phone to people of different economic status (Deng, 2009). There are various activities that Samsung can employ to enhance the marketing mix strategies for their effectiveness. Regarding place or distribution, the company should focus on enhancing the online sales through E-commerce. The organization should also increase the promotions using the digital sources such as Facebook and Twitter and also through their website. Another action program that can help Samsung to achieve its financial objectives is through designing a plan where the sales team move from place to place within Australia. Reaching people in person will leave a greater impact in this marketing exercise. Therefore, Samsung should run different programs to enhance the effectiveness of the exercise and thus, attain its financial and marketing objectives (Chase, Mackillop Hogarth, 2013). Implementation of the marketing plan is one of the key aspects that must be effectively considered for to achieve the marketing and the financial objectives of the company. Successful implementation of the plan relies on how well the marketing team is managed. There should be a clear role distribution in the team so that people handle specific responsibilities. Also, the implementation needs a regular communication strategy which is a critical aspect of effectiveness. Also, a way to exercise control in the exercise, regular monitoring and evaluation should be conducted to establish the state of the practice regularly. Conclusion In conclusion, every business organization needs a marketing for effective marketing of its products. An effective marketing plan should analyze the business environment, to reveal the critical information required to make decisions and take appropriate strategies. There is need to come up with both marketing and financial objectives and thus, implement action programs that will help the company succeed in the sale of products. Thus, a marketing plan is critical to the success of sales for any product or service. References Chase, H., Mackillop, J. Hogarth, L. (2013). Isolating the behavioral economic indices of the demand in relation to the nicotine dependence, Psychopharmacology, Vol. 226(2), pp. 371-80. Coman, A. Ronen, B. (2009). Focused SWOT: Diagnosing critical strengths and the weaknesses. International Journal of the Production Research, 47(20), pp. 5677-5689. Deng, T. (2009). McDonald's new communication strategy on the changing attitudes and the lifestyle. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 1(1), pp. 37-39. Fernie, S. Moore, C. (2013). Principles of Retailing. Abingdon: Routledge. Ghazinoory, S., Abdi, M. Azadegan-Mehr, M. (2011). SWOT methodology: A state-of-the-art review for past, a framework for the future. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 12(1), pp. 24-48. Hartmann, W., Nair, H. Narayanan, S. (2011). Identifying Casual Marketing Mix Effects Using a Regression Discontinuity Design, Marketing Science, Vol. 30(6), pp. 1079-1097. Helms, M. Nixon, J. (2010). Exploring SWOT analysis Where are we now? A review of the academic research from the last decade. Journal of Strategy and Management, 3(3), pp. 215-251. Henry, A. (2011). Understanding strategic management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hollensen, S. (2010). Marketing management: A relationship approach. Harlow: Pearson Education. Kaplan, R. Norton, D. (2008). The execution premium: Linking strategy to the operations for competitive advantage. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press. Kim, K., Hayes, J., Avant, J. Reid, L. (2014). Trends in Advertising Research: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Leading Advertising, Marketing and the Communication Journals, 1980 to 2010, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 43(3), pp. 296-316. Koen, P. Bertels, H. Elsum, I. (2011). The three faces of the business model innovation: challenges for the established firms. Research-Technology Management, 54(3), 52-59. Lee, H. Law, R. (2012). Diversity in the Statistical Research Techniques: An Analysis of the Refereed Research Articles in the Journal of the Travel Tourism Marketing Between 1992 and 2010, Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing, Vol. 29(1), pp. 1-17. Mintz, O. Currim, I. (2013). What Drives Managerial Use of Marketing and Financial Metrics and Does Metric Use Affect Performance of Marketing-Mix Activities? Journal of Marketing, Vol. 77(2), pp. 17. Valax, M. (2012). Beyond McDonald's CSR in China: Corporation perspective and report from case studies on a damaged employment reputation. Asian Business Management, 11(3), 347-366. Vrontis, D. Pavlou, P. (2008). The external environment and the effect on the strategic marketing planning: A case study for McDonald's. Journal of International Business and the Entrepreneurship Development, 3(3), pp. 289-307. Yuece, I. (2012). SWOT analysis of McDonalds and derivation of appropriate strategies. Munich: GRIN-Verlag.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Lory Ice Religions of the WorldJournal 6 DATE @ & Essays - Shinto
Lory Ice Religions of the WorldJournal 6 DATE \@ MMMM d, y February 19, 2017 Shinto or " The way of the Gods " is the oldest religion of Japan and the world. Shinto was first used in the 6th century C.E., a majority of the Shinto beliefs deal with natural disasters, animals, and plants. Shinto has become more modern and adapted to change through the years, but the original practices still remain to this day. Over time due to the different emperors and world events Shinto has had to change in order to remain in practice however. Shinto has shaped Japanese culture greatly by influencing their art, music, and education. The roots of the Shinto are unknown. Shinto has no founder, no official scared texts, and no formalization system of doctrine. The first official recordings of Shinto are dated back to around 8th century A.D. Like many religions, Shinto was believed to have began with animist living. The Shinto worshiped different spirits such as the sun, moon, and rain to help them in their lives. This helped develop into the idea of Kami, the spirits found in plants, animals and everything in nature. The early Japanese created stories and rituals that allowed them to understand the universe and give them a grasp on the ideas of life and their existence in this world. There are seven dimensions to Shinto, experimental, mythical, doctrinal, ethical, ritual, social, and material. These dimensions are specific only to the Shinto. The initiation and ritual aspect of Shinto is to worship at he Kamidana and Shrines. Before one enters the shrine they must bow, and before entering completely, if there is a place to wash your hands you should do so to show respect. Some Shinto rituals that are preformed daily are called Harae, and Misogi Hariai. Harae is the rite of ritual purification. The Shinto lay out offerings at he shrine daily, they lay things out like food, tree branches, salt and rice. Misogi Harai, or water purification, is done daily by regulars at the shrine. It can be preformed anywhere there is clean running water. This ritual comes from Shinto history. When Izanagi-No-Okami returned from the world of the dead or Yomi. When he returned he preformed the first Misogi Harai to wash away the defilement he acquired on his journey. Shinto ' s experiential aspect has a lot to do with unity with the Kami. Kami or " Gods " are the spirits that are worshiped in Shinto Religion. Unlike Christianity that has saints and prophets, the Shinto Gods are usually elements of nature. Animals, plants, rocks and water are all considered to be Gods. People can also become Kami as long as they embody the values and virtues of Kami life. Kami and nature are not separate but Musubi is an energy that connects the universe along with the two. Kami is special in that it is is believed that Kami created all life. Shintos mythical dimensions deal with the origins of Japan. When the universe was created the first spirits entered the universe, they where called Kotoam Atsukami. These where the first Gods to come into existence. They where more in the world of Heaven or Takamagahara.. After their existence the seven generations of Kami also known as Kamiyonanayo entered the world. The first two generations of Kami where called the Hitorigami, they stayed mostly to themselves to achieve their full spiritual awareness. The other five deities were coupled up even hough they where brother and sister. These deities began to have more and more children which eventually populated Jaman and the world. The doctrinal dimension of Shinto is unlike other religions because it does not have an official sacred text. The Shinto have two main text, the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. These text held the entire Mythological background of the Shinto and the early beginnings of the Japanese islands. There are other important text as well like the Nakatomi Harea Kunge and Tensho Daijin Giki that are used for Ryobu Sh into denomination. Besides these there are not really any text to Shintoism. The Japanese religions, including Shintosim and Buddhism, are rich and complex, and it contains many condradictory trends which
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