Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cardiovascular Endurance
Cardiovascular Endurance Cardiovascular Endurance When the body can perform prolonged large-muscle, dynamic exercise at a moderate-to-high levels of intensity, it is known as cardiovascular endurance. We can measure cardiovascular endurance by taking our age and subtracting it from 220 and then multiplying the answer by 65%, and then 90%; your target heart rate zone(MHR) lies between these two results. Let us take me as an example: MHR= 220 - 19= 201 0.65 X 201= 131 bpm 0.90 X 201= 181 bpm Therefore my target zone, when exercising, would have to be between 131 beats per minute(bpm) and 181 bpm, going over my target zone would most likely cause injury.We can also exercise safely by knowing how long our exercise should last and at what intensity we should be exercising at. It is important, when just starting out, to begin at a low-moderate intensity and gradually improve until we reach maximum intensity exercise.Stretching OutThe duration of exercise depends on the intensity, but lies betwen 20-60 minutes. Car diovascular activities should be performed three times a week.If you choose to do low-moderate intensity exercises such as swimming, it should last for 45-60 minutes; on the other hand if you do high intensity exercises like aerobic dance, the duration is only 20 minutes.(1) (2) Running Shoes: Choosing the Right Pair Choosing the right pair of running shoes depends on many factors. Some factors which are quite important are: whether you are male or female, what type of physical activity you do, and most importantly what type of foot you have.When buying new running shoes it is important to be aware of what type of foot you have. Feet have either a high, medium or low arch; to tell which type of arch you have you can "...wet the bottom of your...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
75 Vocabulary Words for Talking About Sports in Italian
75 Vocabulary Words for Talking About Sports in Italian When you think about sports in Italy, the first one that comes to mind is probably the infamous calcio, or soccer. And if you have spent any length of time obsessing about Italian culture or in Ital (or both) team names like Juventus and Gli Azzurri will come to mind. But beyond calcio, there are many popular sports played in Italy, and if you want to be able to talk about the sports that you practice (or practiced in those golden years of yours), here are 75 phrases to throw around in your Italian conversations. 75 Vocabulary Words for Talking About Sports in Italian L’atletica - Athletics Athletics is a more generic field that covers things like: La corsa - RunningLa corsa campestre - Cross-countryIl footing - JoggingLa marcia - Foot raceIl salto in alto - High jumpIl salto in lungo - Long jump Faccio corso campestre. - I run cross-country. Facco la marcia perchà © à ¨ meno dannoso per il corpo rispetto alla corsa. - I do foot races because it’s less harmful for the body compared to running. Il baseball - Baseball While baseball isn’t hugely popular in Italy, it is presentwith roots dating back to World War IIand there are leagues and a championship called Lo Scudetto. Here are five vocabulary words you might find interesting: Il fuoricampo - HomerunIl guanto - MittIl lanciatore - PitcherLa mazza - BatLa prima/seconda/terza base - First/second/third base L’hai visto!? Ho battuto un fuoricampo! - Did you see it? I hit a homerun! Quando avevo 9 anni, facevo il lanciatore. - When I was 9 years old, I was the pitcher. For more vocabulary words and phrases related to baseball, check out this article. Il ciclismo - Cycling The Giro d’Italia (also simply called Il Giro) happens every summer and is ranked as one of the top three cycling events in Europe. Here are five vocabulary words you might find interesting: La bicicletta (la bici) - Bicycle (bike)Il ciclismo su pista - Track cyclingIl ciclismo su strada - Road cyclingIl mountain biking - Mountain bikingLa sella - Bike seatLa borraccia - Water bottle Voglio iniziare a fare ciclismo, ma non riesco a trovare la bici giusta! - I want to start cycling, but I can’t find the right bike! Preferisci le mountain bike, le BMX, oppure il ciclismo su strada? - Do you prefer mountain biking, BMX, or road cycling? Il calcio - Soccer Even if you’re not a big sports fan, attending a calcio game in Italy is a cultural must, so when you do that, here are a handful of words that may be useful to you. I calciatori - Soccer playersI tifosi - FansLa partita - MatchIl portiere - GoalieL’arbitro - refereeLa curva - Part of the stadium where the ultra (hooligans) fans prefer to buy ticketsSegnare un gol - To score a goal Il calcio à ¨ lo sport piu praticato e pià ¹ seguito in tutta Italia. - Calcio is the most practiced and followed sport in all of Italy. Il numero di calciatori variano di squadra in squadra, ma sicuramente sono pià ¹ di undici. - The number of players vary from team to team, but there are definitely more than eleven. You may also hear about a game called calcio storico, or historical football, that dates back to the 16th century. For more information related to il calcio, check out this article. La ginnastica - Gymnastics While the term â€Å"la ginnastica†can be translated to the English understanding of â€Å"gymnastics†, in Italian, it can also be thought of basic exercise and can often be substituted with â€Å"fare sport - to do a sport†or â€Å"andare in palestra - going to the gym.†Here are five vocabulary words you might find interesting: La ginnastica aerobica - Aerobic gymnasticsL’elasticit - FlexibilityLa ginnastica ritmica - Rhythmic gymnasticsLa ginnastica artistica - Artistic gymnasticsLa ginnastica acrobatica - Acrobatic gymnastics Faccio ginnastica, ma non dimagrisco! - I’m exercising, but I’m not losing weight! Hai visto la ginnastica delle Olimpiadi ieri? Gabby Douglas era fantastica! - Did you see the gymnastics section of the Olympics yesterday? Gabby Douglas was amazing! Il nuoto - Swimming Here are 5 key vocabulary words: Il costume da bagno - Swimming suitGli occhialini - Swim GogglesLa piscina - PoolNuotare a farfalla - Butterfly stroke swimNuotare a stile libero - Freestyle swim Lo sci - Skiing There are beautiful areas in Italy from the Italian Dolomites in the north to Mount Etna in the south. Here are 5 key vocabulary words: Le bacchette - RodsLa discesa - DescentLa neve - SnowLa pista - TrackGli sci - Skis Vai sulle Dolomiti quest’anno? Io, sà ¬, infatti ho comprato un nuovo paio di sci. - Are you go to the Dolomites this year? I’m going, in fact, I bought a new pair of skis. Mi piace sciare, ma a dire il vero, preferisco fare snowboarding. - I like to ski, but to tell the truth, I prefer to snowboard. Other Sports La danza - DanceIl motociclismo - MotorcyclingLa pallacanestro - BasketballLa pallavolo - VolleyballLa pesca sportiva - Recreational fishingIl tennis - TennisL’equitazione - Horse riding
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Elements of change and continuity in the history of London and its Essay
Elements of change and continuity in the history of London and its cinematic representation - Essay Example It was the Normans who introduced the feudal system to Britain (Norton, 1829). And even before and after that, London has been a town of merchandise mainly (Norton, 1829). It was a city of banks as well (Michie and Williamson, 2004, p.12). These two features of the city have remained till date. And from a very early period, the citizens of London had many privileges given to them by the respective rulers, which were not enjoyed by the rest of the Britain's inhabitants (Norton, 1829, p.50-75). Even in the present scenario, Londoners are more well-off that all other British people. And the position of London as one of the most important places of commerce in the world, though dimmed, has not been entirely lost. The history of merchandise has imparted this city a unique system of governance: Formerly every man in London followed a trade: he therefore belonged to a company. And as the commonality, all the men of London together assembled, i.e. all the members of all the companies, elected the Mayor, so to this day the electors of the Lord Mayor are the members of the companies†(Besant, 2010, p.209). Though many people have shifted from trade into other vocations, the power given to the members of the companies remain (Besant, 2010, p.209). Secondly, the presence of West Minster abbey in the heart of London city is yet another mark of constancy. Even after London adopted democracy, the vestiges of monarchy lingered and even in cinematic depictions of London, the monarch and the palace inevitably finds a place. (Alfie, 1966, Together, 1956, London, 1994). The twentieth century London evolved as a city completely controlled by the rule of law, in the aftermath of the World War 1 (Michie and Williamson, 2004, p.2). Throughout the twentieth and twenty first century, the city has shown great political stability. In the 1950s, city of London, as a business hub, was under a transformation from the dominance of British currency to the rule of US dollar (Schenk, 2004, p.326). The crisis imparted by this diminishing economic dominance has returned to this city now and again and cost it man y developmental pitfalls. And this is why the recent economic recession that affected the United States first had a severe impact on this city as well. 1950s was a decade of the opening up of the economy of the city to such foreign influences. The
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Equity law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Equity law - Essay Example Firstly, this scenario raises the issue of creation of a private express trust. An express trust is like a fiduciary relationship where the person who is the trustee holds legal title for property in trust for the beneficiary who holds the equitable title. In order for a trust to be valid, it must be in writing, it must be executed by a settler who has the necessary capacity, it must have a legal purpose, must have an identifiable beneficiary and trustee, and the intent to create a trust must be clearly identifiable. In the case of Alice’s will, the validity may not be questionable in large part because it has been set out in writing. It appears that Edward is the primary beneficiary, although he is also one of the executors of the trust. One of the issues that arises in this case is establishing the validity and authority for both Edward and Alice’s carer Sandra, to function as executors of her estate. One of the first things that must be established is whether the will as written can stand as an express trust with testamentary capacity having been adequately proved. The terms of a will can be held to be valid only if it can be shown that a testatrix was in full possession of her faculties when she made the dispositions under the will. In the recent case of McClintok v Calderwood1 this was one of the issues that was raised. In this case, the defendant was the wife of one of the deceased’s nephews. The deceased had made two wills while at a nursing home, the only difference between the two was that the first one did not name an executor, while the second named the defendant as executrix of the deceased’s estate. One of the defendant’s brothers contended that the wills were invalid for lack of testamentary capacity and for want of knowledge and approval. Testamentary capacity was however, established in the case of McClintok v Calderwood. Although the deceased had been confused at times and showed early signs
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free
Lord of the Flies Essay William Golding’s Lord of the Flies follows the tale of a group of boys stranded on an isolated desert island, after their plane crashed. It takes place during an unspecified nuclear war; which was a major threat post WWII. Throughout the book Golding explores how a difficult situation can transform middle class English boys into having a much more savage nature, as well as splitting the ‘good’, from the ‘bad’. By the end of chapter 1, Ralph and Piggy have already formed some sort of order, and by the time Jack and his choir are introduced, Ralph is already being looked up to by the other boys; especially the younger ones, or â€Å"littluns†. Jack appears, and instantly attempts to take over Ralph’s role and enforce his power by ordering his choir about as though he should be chief. The choir at first appears orderly and immaculately dressed, soon after this they are addressed as ‘hunters’, and due to the heat strip down their uniform, which causes them to look much less civilised. This also happens with the other boys in their school uniforms. The transformation of the choir marks a significant loss of order from the boys former lives. This could also symbolise the first step in a slow change towards savagery on the island and influence the behaviour of others. Soon after the arrival on the island a clear hierarchy is visible with leaders such as Ralph and Jack on top closely followed by Simon and the other â€Å"bigguns†with â€Å"littluns†and Piggy being at the bottom; having to accept insults and jeers from the other children, especially Jack, who seems to house a special hatred for piggy from chapter one. Near the beginning of the book Ralph and Piggy find a Conch horn near the platform where they have their meetings. The â€Å"conch†as it is then refered to, is a major aspect in the rest of the book as it brings all the kids together, (â€Å"we can use it to call the others! ). The conch could also be seen as a symbol of power and a link back to authority and their families; it is very unlikely that the other kids would look up to ralph without the conch, â€Å"and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch. †Shortly after finding the conch horn and prenouncing Ralph as chief, Jack, Simon and Ralph, decide to go on an expedition up the mountain, which will play a major part later in the book, as it is where they have several meetings, maintain the fire and cook. In chapter 2, the idea of ‘the beastie’ is introduced, by an unknown ‘littlun’. Not only does this idea scare him, but also all of the other smaller kids, and to a point , the ‘biguns’ as well. This symbolises, not only to us, but the kids as well, that the island might not be all good, and they might not only be having fun as they thought they would. Other subtle words and phrases used, such as â€Å"harsh cry†may also be a sign of events to come. The fact that the unknown boy who died in the forest fire would have been a massive shock to all of them. Not only is it the shock of someone actually dieing, but it is also the antipode of what they are used to, being safe at home. It might also slam the realization that they are in fact stranded. In the beginning of chapter 3, Jack’s â€Å"obsession†with hunting is clearly apparent, right from the start. It describes him like an animal, â€Å"Jack was bent double†¦ His nose only a few inches from the humid earth†¦ bolting and nearly mad†However, like in the first chapter with the pig, he is still unable to kill. This is probably on of the most frustrating aspects for Jack, whereas Ralph and Simon think from an entirely different angle, with the fact that they should build shelters and find fresh water, rather than eat meat. In chapter 4, Jack manages to don a mask which allows him to behave in a much more animalistic way, finally allowing him to kill; however it is also a massive step towards total savagery. Towards this point in the book, all of the kids are starting to behave in a much more savage manner. Jack’s change in behaviour comes from the first killing of the pig which engulfs the entire group and encourages them into savage behaviour. By painting their faces, they are able to kill and perform awful acts which they would have never considered doing at home due to feeling like different people. With the masks, and the change of personality that it brings, they also behave much more aggressively, â€Å"Kill the Pig! Bash her in! Slit her throat! †Even to the reader, this seems totally crazy and disrespecting of life. Jack especially changes his behaviour out of all of them. After the first kill, it’s obvious that all of his frustration is let go and the taboo of killing is lifted; he also acts a lot more aggressively, even without the addition of the mask. As in the beginning of the book, when they were planning to build shelters and houses, they now plan to kill a pig every day, even they were lucky to find one, and it took seven of them to catch it. Jack’s evolving hatred towards Piggy is probably due to the fact that Jack is such a different character to Piggy so he might not be used to Piggy’s personality and this could unsettle him. Jack could also possibly be jealous of Piggy’s intellect. They also have very different methods of problem solving and survival. Jack is more brute force whereas Piggy is more strategic. Jack is also very used to being in charge as it was what he was taught in the choir. As in chapter 1, when he thought that he should be chief and Piggy saw through Jack and saw the possible evil which lurked within. Overall, Jack’s statement may have had some credential towards the beginning of the book, but towards the later chapters, both reader and character see that it is becoming increasingly difficult to retain order and a basic civilization due to the way that all of the kids behave. This reinforces Golding’s idea that there is a savage element in all of us.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Internet Censorship Essay -- Web Cyberspace Censor Essays Argumentativ
Internet Censorship You are at work and the phone rings. It is the school principal from the high school your daughter attends. He politely tells you that your daughter is being suspended from school and asks that you please come pick her up. After digging a little deeper, you find out that she is being punished for posting to the internet, a book report based writings of James Joyce. The reason for the suspension is not because the material was plagiarized, but because the content of the material was considered "objectionable" or "indecent" according to new standards mandated by the government. The above story could have easily happened under the 1996 Communication Decency Act (CDA), whose objective was, according to class notes, to protect children from pornographical material but contained vague and ambiguous language. I am all for protecting children from harm, for regulating what they see and do and to maximize their learning. However, censoring the activity of chidren is the role of a parent and not a function of the government. The cost of protecting our children should not be at the cost of our constitutional rights and freedom of speech. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Censorship by the government under the CDA, would do more harm than good because, according to Spectacle.org, "The CDA criminalizes 'indecent' speech on the Internet. One section of the CDA defines indecency as speech depicting or describing se... ...we can say as well. New technologies are always being developed and we, as a society, need to be able to handle it responsibly. We need to protect our constitutional rights, all of them. Too many countries around the world have oppressive governments, where people are thrown in jail for speaking out against government policies. Works Cited Wallace, J. and M. Mangan, "The Internet Censorship FAQ", http://www.spectacle.org/freespch/faq.html Attias, Prof. B., Class notes, November 10, 2003, COMS 454 Electronic Frontier Foundation, "About EFF: General Information about the Electronic Frontier Foundation, http://www.eff.org/about Hochheiser, Harry, "Cyber-Liberties: Censorship In a Box, Ver. 1.1 12/25/97 http://archive.aclu.org/issues/cyber/box.html#blocking Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary\ulnone , p. 242, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Antigone Essay
The story of Antigone is a tragic story that means that the universal themes are going to make the audience thinks twice about their decisions or life itself. This story has a lot of universal themes like facing darkness, role of women and the most important theme in my opinion would be injustice. This universal can be applied to today’s world. Facing darkness! After the two brother named Eteocles and Polyneices fight for opposites sides Creon decides to buried of the brother that fight for his kingdom ,in this case would be Eteocles and he decides not to buried the other brother because he was fighting against his kingdom. Creon said that â€Å"Polyneices is a traitor and should not be buried and he should be giving to the slavery â€Å" (Sophocles 1109). Creon also said â€Å"Anyone trying to bury Polyneices should pay with death†(Sophocles 1109). This is the point when darkness began for Antigone figuring out how she is going to buried her brother that she love an d if she is caught she was willing to pay with her life because that prove how much she loved her brother. After Antigone death happen the darkness began for Creon because he killed his father and his song and now looking for forgiveness something that he didn’t deserve. To finalize with this theme darkness change this kingdom. Women can make a huge impact. The story of Antigone reflects this by Antigone fighting on what she believes something that no man was willing to do. She decides to go against his uncle, the king Creon. Antigone tells her sister Ismene that â€Å"she will bury Polyneices and that Creon has no right to keep me from my own†(Sophocles 1105). Irmene tell Antigone â€Å"Remember we are women, we’re not born to contend with men†(Sophocles 1105). Antigone tells her sister â€Å"I will raise a mound for him, for my dear brother†(Sophocles 1106). Back then women was afraid of men because they didn’t know how to stand up in what believes for. A perfect example of this would Irmene; she tells Antigone that she didn’t have the courage to join her. In the end Antigone died happy knowing she did the right thing and from that point women began following her examples. How the theme of injustice is reflected in the story? To start with, injustice happen from the beginning the story w hen Creon announcing that Polyneices is not going to be buried until the part of Creon killing his own family. Antigone was a person who believes that family members should be treated with respect and she was willing to the right thing no matter what happened to her. For example she believes everybody should be buried no matter what they did. In the other hand Creon was person that wanted to follow tradition from the city and God according to him and he was willing to do anything that he thinks should be helpful even punishing his own family. Creon killed his family because they were in favor of Antigone and that is not reason enough because they just were expressing their opinion. To sum up, these universal themes are reflected in the play Antigone. Out of those themes injustice have to the most impact in this story because that what this story main focus for the readers. The story can be applied to today’s world by everything having a consequence. For example Creon regrets killing his father and his son and wants forgiveness from God. If woman like Antigone didn’t have the courage to do what she did, women today would be still fear men and the government like Irmene. Works Cited Sophocles. â€Å"Antigone.†Schakel, Peter and Jack Radi. Approaching Literature. Boston,New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. 1103-1141. Story.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Effects of the use of web-based tools in Blended Learning Essay
Technology has made a deep impact on all aspects of human lives ranging from communication to learning and enhancing individual performance. The conventional classroom is slowly being replaced by computer based training and online learning environments that has penetrated remote corners of the globe via the Internet. The use of information and communication technologies in education has transformed traditional methods of learning and teaching practices. The personalized learning environment offered by the online medium has great potentials and can influence the learning process to a considerable extent. Technology has been a great enabler of transforming and re-defining the way a system operates and the wide variety of applications that it can support. Many web based learning environments use innovative technologies that have revolutionized the learning process over the past few years. Distance learning through the use of collaborative tools and technologies available has made significant breakthroughs in the field of learning. In the past few decades a number of tools and technologies have emerged that has enabled the users to adopt distance learning courses and training departments are using it to provide cost effective means of implementing learning and development programs for their employees spread across the globe. The online learning environment is supported by various types of tools that provide high level of interactivity and collaborative features enabling participants to exchange messages, files, videos and presentations. This kind of technology is increasingly being used in a wide range of applications ranging from facilitating electronic discussion between students to enabling distance learning programs through web conferencing. The revolution in communication and information technology has had a profound effect on the teaching and learning process. The change is visible in developing learning communities online. Most of the countries and even developing economies are stressing on the use of computers as an instructional medium. E learning encompasses a wide variety of tools and technologies that can be used to stimulate the learning process in an individual. With the help of this technology a variety of online learning services are made available ranging from online searches, tutorials, college courses, and professional courses to professional training and individual development programs. The E learning model adopts high level of audio and video interaction integrated with graphics and animation tool to present the learning module in an attractive format. Educational institutions and business organizations are increasingly adopting the e learning model for learning and training purposes. E learning is being increasingly used as a solution for delivering online learning regardless of physical locations or time constraints. The whole world has become an increasingly connected global community that can share ideas and exchange information through the Internet. More people across the globe are turning towards the latest technology gadgets that have made communication channels smoother and faster. It has proved to be a big resource for individuals who would like to learn a new skill or train themselves in new fields while pursuing their current employment. Hence, E learning field has provided new and better learning opportunities extending its reach beyond university campus and corporate learning centres. Blended learning – an overview Blended learning has been described as a â€Å"phrase introduced by the distance learning community in recognizing the value of synchronous learning activities, like face to face interactions with instructors and collaborative work with peers, as complements to activities performed asynchronously by individual learners†(Howard et al. , 2006). The blended learning system includes both web based learning and traditional classroom learning environment. The web based learning system provides the students with self paced learning modules that they can pursue at leisure and convenience depending on their learning capacity. This learning environment also provides E learning tools that enable live discussions and online learning programs. The conventional classroom settings are used to clarify doubts and queries regarding the course content and student progress. An effective learning environment facilitates interaction between the learners that increases the scope to exchange ideas and opinions, share experiences and assess their level of understanding on the subject matter. A classroom environment provides this kind of face to face interaction enabling the students sharing the same learning goals to coordinate with each other, communicate their ideas and information. Jonassen (1988) has stated in his works that the effectiveness of any learning environment is based on the types and levels of cognitive and metacognitive activity engendered in the learners. It is widely accepted that learning is enhanced in instructional settings where students are engaged in processing personally relevant content and are reflective during the learning process. Learners that participate in active learning activities find learning a more pleasurable and increasingly effective than engaging in monotonous lecture sessions. Online learning provides the learners with the scope to explore the topics and study related theories that increase their level of understanding. The key ingredient to a successful computer based learning application is its ability to interact with the student and direct the flow of learning in accordance with the student capability. The visibility and presentation of information through attention grabbing graphics and multimedia tool make this a more effective learning platform. Once the attention of the student is on the learning tool the application needs to stimulate the learner’s curiosity that in turn leads to search for answers and in-depth study of the learning module. The most effective teaching method involves a high level of interaction between the teacher and the student. A dedicated teacher is one who understands the student’s learning capacity and his shortcomings and guides him through with effective feedback. A two-way communication between the teacher and the student is very effective in the learning process. Computer based learning applications are continually striving to achieve the human to human interactivity level and have been quite successful in this venture with the aid of multimedia based technologies. Blended learning combines the positive aspects of both conventional classroom learning and online learning to provide an enriching learning experience to the students. Web-based tools There are wide varieties of computer-mediated communications technologies that enable manage and support E learning. These tools have facilitated extensive collaboration and communication protocols providing an enriched learning environment. Some of these tools are email, chat, video conferencing, web conferencing, newsgroup, blogs, forums, virtual classrooms, and message boards. Synchronous and Asynchronous tools â€Å"E learning is commonly referred to the international use of networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. It refers to educational processes that utilize information and communications technology to mediate asynchronous as well as synchronous learning and teaching activities†(Naidu, 2006). Both synchronous and asynchronous tools can be used effectively to communicate, exchange and form ideas and information on a specific subject matter. Synchronous E learning is live, real time facilitated instruction, and learning oriented interaction that enables learners to use electronic means to collaborate and participate in live forums. The root of synchronous E learning has been derived from three main influences: the classroom, the media, and the conference. The virtual classroom uses highly interactive forms of synchronous E learning tools to simulate a conventional classroom environment. White-board, discussion rooms, and break out areas are some of the concepts used to enhance interactivity between learners in a virtual classroom. Naidu (2006) also observes that most of the applications are built around the synchronous learning model that makes use of tools like virtual learning environment, rapid E learning, web casting, web conferencing, video conferencing, webinars, live E learning, and e conferencing. These synchronous E learning tools help in connecting dispersed learners, facilitating real time interaction and collaboration, fostering a sense of immediacy and co-presence, developing a learning community, and enabling access to subject matter expert resources. This kind of learning environment rules out gender and personality dominance that tends to overpower in a traditional classroom setting. It encourages learners towards better teamwork, collaboration skills, strong motivation and extended peer support (Naidu, 2006). Asynchronous tools like emails, electronic forums, online discussions, blogs, provide a platform for students and teachers to discuss ideas and opinions on a specific topic. This form of E learning is â€Å"commonly facilitated by media such as email and discussion boards, supports work relations among learners with teachers, even when participants cannot be online at the same time†(Hrastinski, 2008). This provides a form of flexibility to the learners since they can access learning materials and information any time according to their convenience. The learners can log on to an E learning environment and access training materials, receive and send messages to peers and tutors. In higher education, learners can pursue online courses while taking care of other commitments. Asynchronous E learning tools have the advantage of enabling users to access information and pursue their subject matter with greater degree of concentration allowing the mind to process the information at leisure. However, it also has some significant drawbacks that include greater learner discipline since the learner has to take initiatives to login and make use of the information and tasks involved in learning process. This kind of learning process is more impersonal and isolated as compared to synchronous learning tools that enable live interaction (Ashley, 2003).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Definition of Stack in Programming
Definition of Stack in Programming A stack is an array or list structure of function calls and parameters used in modern computer programming and CPU architecture. Similar to a stack of plates at a buffet restaurant or cafeteria, elements in a stack are added or removed from the top of the stack, in a â€Å"last in first, first out†or LIFO order. The process of adding data to a stack is referred to as a â€Å"push,†while retrieving data from a stack is called a â€Å"pop.†This occurs at the top of the stack. A stack pointer indicates the extent of the stack, adjusting as elements are pushed or popped to a stack. When a function is called, the address of the next instruction is pushed onto the stack. When the function exits, the address is popped off the stack and execution continues at that address. Actions on the Stack There are other actions that can be performed on a stack depending on the programming environment. Peek: Allows the inspection of the topmost element on a stack without actually removing the element.Swap: Also referred to as â€Å"exchange,†the positions of the two top elements of the stack are swapped, the first element becoming the second and the second becoming the top.Duplicate: The topmost element is popped from the stack and then pushed back onto the stack twice, creating a duplicate of the original element.Rotate: Also referred to as â€Å"roll,†specifies the number of elements in a stack which are rotated in their order. For example, rotating the top four elements of a stack would move the topmost element into the fourth position while the next three elements move up one position. The stack is also known as Last In First Out (LIFO). Examples: In C and C, variables declared locally (or auto) are stored on the stack.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
16 Manuscript Format Guidelines
16 Manuscript Format Guidelines 16 Manuscript Format Guidelines 16 Manuscript Format Guidelines By Simon Kewin If you submit manuscripts to publishers or agents, you’ve probably come across the demand that you use â€Å"standard manuscript format†(or â€Å"SMF†) for your submissions. However, it isn’t always spelled out what this actually means. Generally speaking, the term indicates that you should format your document with the following guidelines in mind: Type your document, don’t write it. Use a single, clear font, 12 point size. The best to use is Courier or Courier New. At the very least, ensure you use a 12 point, serif font and not something like Arial. Use clear black text on a white background. If you are printing out your submission (rather than submitting it electronically), use good quality plain white paper and print on only one side of each sheet. Include your name and contact information at the top left of the first page. Put an accurate word count at the top right. Put the title half-way down the page, centred, with â€Å"by Your Name†underneath. Start the story beneath that. If you write under a pseudonym, put that beneath the title but your real name in the top left of the first page. Put your name, story title and the page number as a right-justified header on every subsequent page, in the format Name/Title/Page Number. Generally, you can also just use a key word from your title and not repeat the whole thing on each page. Left-justify your paragraphs. Right margins should be â€Å"ragged†. Ensure there is at least a 1 inch (2 centimetre) margin all the way around your text. This is to allow annotation to be written onto a printed copy. Use double spacing for all your text. Don’t insert extra lines between your paragraphs. Indent the first line of each paragraph by about 1/2 inch (1 centimetre). If you want to indicate a blank line, place a blank line, then a line with the # character in the middle of it, then another blank line. Don’t use bold or italic fonts or any other unusual formatting. To emphasise a piece of text you should underline it. Put the word â€Å"End†after your text, centred on its own line. If you are submitting on paper, don’t staple your pages together. Package them up well so that they won’t get damaged and send them off. It’s always worth checking the exact requirements of any market you submit to, but if they don’t specify any formatting requirements, or just say â€Å"standard manuscript format†, follow these guidelines. This will make a good impression and help mark you out as a serious, professional writer. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesEnglish Grammar 101: Verb MoodPractice or Practise?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Further study on the previous lecture Term Paper
Further study on the previous lecture - Term Paper Example The wake of a tornado leaves the untold destruction to infrastructure and property in the billions of shilling especially when it strikes cities but in the early detection ensures that there is little or no damage to property. Shearing in the winds especially where air masses converge is one of the formative phases of tornadoes. The convergence happens when cold air meets hot air, and the warm air is forced to rise. The convergence point is called a cold front. The directions of the air masses at the top rotate in the opposite direction to those at the bottom. Rotors can be setup due to the shear in the wind. The rotors refer to cylindrical air masses, which are perpendicular to the direction of the wind. The rotating cylinders may be changed to move vertically. The bottom and top part of the rotors rotate in different directions. Tornados are invisible since they are rotating masses of air and droplets but may be visible due to the dust collected along the way or other visible particles. The winds in the tornado rotate cyclically where the vortex on the south due to the wind direction rotates in the opposite direction to that of the north. As a result, there are two vortices whereby one rotates clockwise and the other anticlockwise. The vortices are, therefore, negative and positive vorticity. The vortex in the cyclone grows into a big cyclonic element in the storm referred to as mesocyclone. A funnel cloud forms when the interior of the vortex spins around. The funnel like cloud formed results in the formation of a tornado. Many tornados rotate in the direction of bigger storm systems and hence have a cyclonic vorticity. A tornado over water is a waterspout. The destructive nature of waterspouts is to ales extent (Pike, 133). They are evident on waters in subtropics. Their speeds are low, and therefore they travel slowly over the water. Their occurrence is evident in the Adriatic Sea and Florida. Their effect on the water cannot reach the measure of a
Friday, November 1, 2019
An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation in the Assignment
An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation in the International Management Arena - Assignment Example This move is particularly important because Ashby (2008) advises that â€Å"these unpalatable truths contribute to the increasing problems†facing companies. This is so because even though misconceptions are generally accepted to be falsehood, they at times impact on the lives of natives such that they begin to adapt their ways of life towards them (Osei, 2009). In the first place, it is believed that Nigeria is a country blighted with the problem of political and civil tension, instability and unrest. This is considered as a misconception not necessarily because Nigeria never records any instances of political unrest but that the degree of occurrence might be more than suggested. In a typical example of political tension, â€Å"On 19 October 2010, a militant group threatened to attack political campaign gatherings attended by Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan†(Australian Department of Affairs, 2011). Such political tensions are believed to impact negatively on busi nesses wishing to start new ventures in the country because investors cannot be fully assured of the defense of the constitution of the country, which protects the investor and other foreigners. This not withstanding, it is important for Fosters to be aware that for the past fifteen (15) years, Nigeria has upheld it national constitution without a coup d’etat that overdraws the constitution (Dawodu, 2007).
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